Keeping to the Theme: Modeling

In creating our game "Lockdown", our group decided on a theme of our assets, choosing 70's retro Cyberpunk. We didn't go full force into the cyberpunk side because of the groups limitations on time, so we went more on the retro 70's side of design.  My first asset for our game was the Cryo Chair (Light Blue Cylindrical Asset) this piece was the base idea of for our future assets. The base ideas are Bulky, Rounded, Pastel Colors, primarily made of metal, little wear and tear. Once the base ideas and theme was set, its time to make the Models!

In making of the models I have developed a way to keep my poly counts low (might not be correct but still learning the pipeline and proper ways of making models). When making an asset, I focus on what pieces of a model can be modeled separately and then combined back together at the end when the modeling is finalized. Such as in the cryo chair asset, the interior is separate from the outer casing, then the chair pieces are separate from the interior.  By doing thing i usually cut out a couple hundred useless polygons from my pieces. 

 In texturing the assets, focus on what little details can be added to make the piece have realism to them. On the Cryo Bed, I added warning signs on the inside. On my later assets i got more comfortable using the Alphas and Decals in Substance Painter. Where I would create Alphas to be use with specific models, like High Voltage on the Electric Box and the Fire Hose symbol on the Fire Hose Asset. The major parts of texturing is handled with Masks, Generators and Fillers. Then after some tweaking I'll of the Masks, ill go through and paint in minor details to help break up the repetitive tiling that the Generators and Fillers usually have. The hardest part of texturing is trying to make the model not have repetitive marks so players can instantly see its the same texture used, like large dark splotches, these attract the players eye and when they see one, they can see them all. 

After getting the Textures done, ill import it into the Unreal Engine game and get all the Materials set up and do changes in game to make the texture as best as I can.

And thats about it for the way I keep to the theme with my modeling.

Get Lockdown

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